• 公海赌赌船官网jc710,公海赌赌船贵宾会员检测路线

    Salary and welfare
  • 公海赌赌船官网jc710,公海赌赌船贵宾会员检测路线

    For graduates, once employ three years labor contract. Company implement post salary + pay-for-performance compensation structure, combining with the characteristics of industry and offer competitive compensation, to make employees get a guaranteed high quality life.
    Social insurance: according to the national policy to pay five social insurance and one housing fund;
    traffic subsidies: provide commuter traffic subsidies;
    ,communication subsidies: according to the work to provide communications subsidies;
    Meal allowances: employees in the company canteen, enjoy free working lunch and a certain amount of subsidized meals;
    physical examination, physical examination every year for employees, let employees have a healthy body;
    Paid leave: employees in addition to enjoying national general holidays holiday, also can enjoy annual vacation with pay, home leave, vacation;
    Single apartment and employee activity room: provide single apartment (standard rooms, equipped with basic living supplies and appliances) and employee activity room (equipped with fitness entertainment facilities).
    A variety of employee activities:
